Selected Talks & Keynotes


Columbia University in the City of New York, Teachers College (Guest lecture): Technology-enhanced & mobile learning and teaching for refugees. Potentialities, constraints and the evidence base”. Presented at the Education in Emergencies – forced displacement, refugee and education policies Seminar, 14.11.2018

U.S. National Academies. Global Forum on Innovation in Health Professional Education.  (Opening address) Using social media to support health professional learning  and collaboration in rural and under-served environments. 15-16 Nov. 2017, Washington DC

U.S. National Academies. Forum on Public-Private Partnerships for Global Health and Safety: “Using Technology to Advance Global Health”. (Invited talk). Mobile and social media to connect, train and empower health workers. 11 May 2017, Washington DC

American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting: Findings from a Critical Review of Mobile Learning in Higher Education Settings (conference presentation). April 2016, Washington DC, USA

Shared Lessons in Mobile Learning between K-20 Education and Private Enterprise Conference (invited speaker, panellist), University of California, April 2016, San Diego, California, USA

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (invited talk at K4Health centre). Mobile Social Media for frontline health workers – examples from recent projects. 11th April 2016, Baltimore, USA

University of Oxford, Department of Education, Learning and New Technologies Research Group (invited talk). It’s like a doctor! The role of mobile and social media for rural community health workers? Insights from a field study in rural Malawi. 18 November 2015, Oxford, UK

UCL Interaction Centre (invited talk). From cognition to identity development: the multi-faceted affordances of digital media for health professionals, 9 December 2015, London, UK

United Nations Economic and Social Council Special Event (invited speaker/panelist). Science, technology and innovation, and the potential of culture, for promoting sustainable development and achieving the Millennium Development Goals. 24 April 2013, United Nations, New York

UN-GEThealth-Summit (invited speaker/panelist) Global Education and Technology Health Summit: Leveraging Social Media. 6-7 Feb 2013, United Nations, New York

UCL Medical Education Conference. (Keynote with N. Pachler):  Teaching, Learning and Assessment in the Clinical Workplace: Disentangling the dynamics of learning in clinical contexts, 11th June 2012, UCH Education Centre, London, UK

World Summit on the Information Society. UNESCO, ITU session (invited talk). Mobile learning and social media to support the education of students and health professionals in disadvantaged areas, WSIS, 14-18 May 2012, Geneva, Switzerland

Connected Kids: Lernen im Vernetzten Klassenzimmer der Zukunft (Keynote). Vom Mobilen Lernen zur ubiquitären Wissensgesellschaft. 28. April 2014, Vienna, Austria

UNESCO Symposium on Mobile Learning (presentation with U Gröhbiel) Changing the role of teachers by integrating mobile technology in a rural school in Zimbabwe. A reflection in the light of UNESCO policy guidelines. Feb 2014, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France

International Roundtable: Social Mobile Networking for Informal Learning” (invited talk with S. Linxen). The transformational role of social mobile media on education and learning in developing countries. 21 November 2011, Institute of Education, University of London, UK

