Selected Talks & Keynotes
Columbia University in the City of New York, Teachers College (Guest lecture): Technology-enhanced & mobile learning and teaching for refugees. Potentialities, constraints and the evidence base”. Presented at the Education in Emergencies – forced displacement, refugee and education policies Seminar, 14.11.2018
U.S. National Academies. Global Forum on Innovation in Health Professional Education. (Opening address) Using social media to support health professional learning and collaboration in rural and under-served environments. 15-16 Nov. 2017, Washington DC
U.S. National Academies. Forum on Public-Private Partnerships for Global Health and Safety: “Using Technology to Advance Global Health”. (Invited talk). Mobile and social media to connect, train and empower health workers. 11 May 2017, Washington DC
American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting: Findings from a Critical Review of Mobile Learning in Higher Education Settings (conference presentation). April 2016, Washington DC, USA
Shared Lessons in Mobile Learning between K-20 Education and Private Enterprise Conference (invited speaker, panellist), University of California, April 2016, San Diego, California, USA
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (invited talk at K4Health centre). Mobile Social Media for frontline health workers – examples from recent projects. 11th April 2016, Baltimore, USA
University of Oxford, Department of Education, Learning and New Technologies Research Group (invited talk). It’s like a doctor! The role of mobile and social media for rural community health workers? Insights from a field study in rural Malawi. 18 November 2015, Oxford, UK
UCL Interaction Centre (invited talk). From cognition to identity development: the multi-faceted affordances of digital media for health professionals, 9 December 2015, London, UK
United Nations Economic and Social Council Special Event (invited speaker/panelist). Science, technology and innovation, and the potential of culture, for promoting sustainable development and achieving the Millennium Development Goals. 24 April 2013, United Nations, New York
UN-GEThealth-Summit (invited speaker/panelist) Global Education and Technology Health Summit: Leveraging Social Media. 6-7 Feb 2013, United Nations, New York
UCL Medical Education Conference. (Keynote with N. Pachler): Teaching, Learning and Assessment in the Clinical Workplace: Disentangling the dynamics of learning in clinical contexts, 11th June 2012, UCH Education Centre, London, UK
World Summit on the Information Society. UNESCO, ITU session (invited talk). Mobile learning and social media to support the education of students and health professionals in disadvantaged areas, WSIS, 14-18 May 2012, Geneva, Switzerland
Connected Kids: Lernen im Vernetzten Klassenzimmer der Zukunft (Keynote). Vom Mobilen Lernen zur ubiquitären Wissensgesellschaft. 28. April 2014, Vienna, Austria
UNESCO Symposium on Mobile Learning (presentation with U Gröhbiel) Changing the role of teachers by integrating mobile technology in a rural school in Zimbabwe. A reflection in the light of UNESCO policy guidelines. Feb 2014, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France
International Roundtable: Social Mobile Networking for Informal Learning” (invited talk with S. Linxen). The transformational role of social mobile media on education and learning in developing countries. 21 November 2011, Institute of Education, University of London, UK
- Health in the Digital Age – A New Era for Global Health? MMS Symposium Switzerland (invited talk) From Web 2.0 to Intelligent Assistants: The Power of Digital Conversations in Global Health. 4. November 2020
- CELDA 2020: 17th International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age. Lisbon, Portugal (Conference presentation via zoom). Nov 18, 2020 – Nov 20, 2020
- Education at the heart of cross-sectoral action in response to COVID-19 (webinar presentation with U. Gröhbiel). SDC Education Network. 18th May 2020.
- Launch webinar I and II – ICT4VET- CoP: Distance learning response to COVID-19 (presentation with U. Gröhbiel) for SDC employment and income network, 7th and 8th May 2020.
- European Conference on Health Communication, ECHC (conference presentation with Blumer, E. Health professional communication in social media and digital literacy. Findings from a systematic review. 13 to 15 November 2019, Zurich, Switzerland
- SDC Education Network (webinar w. U. Gröhbiel). The use of ICT/Digitalization in Education and as an educational tool for lifelong learning across sectors. 16th September 2019.
- SDC Vocational Skills Development Network (webinar w. U. Gröhbiel). ICT for Vocational Education and Training on September 24, 2019.
- MerlTech: Exploring the role of technology in monitoring, evaluation, research and learning in development (invited panellist). Session: Messaging Platforms: Best Practices, Costs, Security and Privacy. 4-6 September 2019, Washington DC
- Skills for all. SDC conference on education on basic education & vocational skills development conference (invited talk). Bridging the school-to-work gap with digital technology. 7 – 10 May 2019, Zurich, Switzerland
- Swiss TPH Spring Symposium. Innovations in Medical Education, Vocational Training and Continuing Professional Development (moderation) – 8 May 2019 – Parterre Rialto, Basel, Switzerland
- 6th Congress on Research in Vocational Education and Training (conference presentation). Mobile technology in school-to-work transitions: Insights from health profession contexts. 4-6 March 2019 – Bern/Zollikofen, Switzerland.
- Social Media for Global Health (SM4GH) network presentation. (Invited talk). Using WhatsApp to connect, train, and empower health professionals in Sub-Saharan Africa. (Webinar) 23.05.2019
- Columbia University in the City of New York, Teachers Colleges. (Guest lecture): Technology-enhanced & mobile learning and teaching for refugees. Potentialities, constraints and the evidence base”. Presented at the Education in Emergencies – forced displacement, refugee and education policies Seminar. 14.11.2018, New York
- Fifth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research: Strengthening nurses’ leadership capacity to enhance community engagement in health care delivery. (Presentation in workshop session w/ M. K. Makukula, A. A. Foster et al.). -12.10.2018, Liverpool, UK
- University of Ibadan: Mobile Social Media 4 Health Workers Dissemination Event. (invited talk). 10.4.2018, Ibadan, Nigeria
- General Nursing Council of Zambia (invited talk w/ K. Lyambai). Using social media to support health professional learning and collaboration in rural and under-served environments. 23.03.2018, Lusaka, Zambia.
- Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien (IWM) (invited talk). Mobile and networked learning and collaboration of health professionals – Insights from high & low-tech contexts. 28 February 2018, Tübingen, Germany
- National Academies. Global Forum on Innovation in Health Professional Education. (Keynote) Using social media to support health professional learning and collaboration in rural and under-served environments. 15-16 Nov. 2017, Washington DC, US
- Annual KFPE and SUDAC Conference: Going digital in research & education partnerships. (invited talk). ICT-enhanced learning of rural health workers. Commission for Research Partnerships with Developing Countries (KFPE) and the swissuniversities Development and Cooperation Network (SUDAC). Swiss National Science Foundation. 1st December 2017, Bern, Switzerland
- SNF & SDC Research for development (R4D) forum (invited poster presentation): Social Mobile Media to educate, connect and empower Frontline Health Workers. 19 September 2017, Bern, Switzerland
- National Academies. Forum on Public-Private Partnerships for Global Health and Safety: “Using Technology to Advance Global Health”. (Invited talk). Mobile and social media to connect, train and empower health workers. 11 May 2017, Washington DC
- Global Digital Health Forum (presentation and workshop) Using mobile tools and social media to enhance in-service health worker training in resource-constrained settings: A hands-on workshop. (together with Foster, Moore, Chizuni, Hollod and Laveque. 13-14 December 2016, Washington DC
- Schweizer Forum für Berufsbildung und Internationale Zusammenarbeit: Neue Medien und Berufsbildung: Chancen und Herausforderungen (invited talk with U. Gröhbiel). Potentiale neuer Medien in der Berufsbildung nutzen: ein internationaler Überblick. December 2016, Bern, Switzerland.
- FHNW Tech Days (invited talk) Mobile learning in higher education. 29 June 2016, FHNW Campus Brugg
- Global Digital Health Network (invited talk). Closed user groups – experiences from the use of WhatsApp for Malawian Community Health Workers. 20 May 2016, virtual presentation /Washington
- University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria (invited talk). Using mobile technologies as mediators of knowledge and learning processes. Lessons learnt from the field of public health. 18 May 2016, Hagenberg, Austria
- Shared Lessons in Mobile Learning between K-20 Education and Private Enterprise Conference (invited speaker, panellist), University of California, April 2016, San Diego, California, USA
- American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting: (conference presentation) Findings from a Critical Review of Mobile Learning in Higher Education Settings. April 2016, Washington DC, USA
- K4Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (invited talk). Mobile Social Media for frontline health workers – examples from recent projects. 11th April 2016, Baltimore, USA
- UCL Interaction Centre (invited talk). From cognition to identity development: the multi-faceted affordances of digital media for health professionals, 9 December 2015, London, UK
- London ICT4D group: EdTech – The Good, the Bad and the “What Were They Thinking”!? (invited talk). Social media – grassroots learning revolution or hype? 24 November 2015, GSMA headquarters, London, UK
- University of Oxford, Department of Education, Learning and New Technologies Research Group (invited talk). It’s like a doctor! The role of mobile and social media for rural community health workers. Insights from a field study in rural Malawi. 18 November 2015, Oxford, UK
- World Conference on Educational Technology Researches (conference presentation). The educational role of mobile instant messaging. Findings from a systematic review. Cypress, 15-17 October 2015, Kyrenia, North Cyprus
- EC-TEL 2014 Conference Workshop: European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning. Workshop theme: Teachers as Designers of Learning Experiences Utilising Social-Mobile Technologies (SoMoLearn). 16 – 19 September 2014, Graz, Austria
- Connected Kids: Lernen im Vernetzten Klassenzimmer der Zukunft (Keynote). Vom Mobilen Lernen zur ubiquitären Wissensgesellschaft. 28. April 2014, Vienna, Austria
- DaFWEBKON 2014. Deutschlernen wird mobil. (Keynote) Mobiles Lernen in benachteiligten Regionen in Entwicklungs- und Schwellenländern. Potenziale und Erfahrungen. 15-16 March 2014
- Bristol Ideas in Mobile Learning 2014 Symposium (presentation) Mobile phones to facilitate connected social learning and work-based practices in marginalized settings. Insights from a research project in rural South Africa. 6th – 7th March 2014, University of the West of England, Bristol UK
- UNESCO Symposium on Mobile Learning (presentation with U Gröhbiel) Changing the role of teachers by integrating mobile technology in a rural school in Zimbabwe. A reflection in the light of UNESCO policy guidelines. Feb 2014, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France
- Seminar series: Mobile phones and social media in health and development (invited talk with U. Gröhbiel). Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, (Swiss TPH), 10t October 2013, University of Basel, Switzerland
- Mobile Scenarios Network Conference (invited talk). Towards sustainable mobile learning scenarios, 9 October, 2013, University of the West of England, Bristol, Switzerland
- Swiss Society for Research in Education Conference: Integrating formal and informal learning. (conference presentation with U. Gröhbiel). The affordances of social mobile media for boundary crossing., 21-23.08.2013 Lugano, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Switzerland
- Jahreskonferenz Mobile HR (invited talk). Das Potenzial von Mobilem Lernen für betriebliche Wissensprozesse. 15-17 July, Cologne, Germany
- Results and Innovations from Transnational Research Partnerships (presentation at research fair with U. Gröhbiel). Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. Social Mobile Media for Health Workers. Education and Empowerment in disadvantaged areas. SDC, 5 June 2013, Berne, Switzerland
- Grundtvig dissemination event: (moderation together w/ D. Spikol u. Stefan Glocker). Harnessing mobiles to address intercultural communication problems in health care. 27-28 May 2013, Malmö UniUnited Nations Economic and Social Council Special Event (invited speaker/panelist). Science, technology and innovation, and the potential of culture, for promoting sustainable development and achieving the Millennium Development Goals. 24 April 2013, United Nations, New York, USA
- Grundtvig event (Presentation and moderation). Intercultural communication challenges between health professionals and immigrants – and the potential of digital and mobile technology. 14-15 Feb 2013, Augsburg, Germany
- UN-GEThealth-Summit (invited speaker/panelist) Global Education and Technology Health Summit: Leveraging Social Media. 6-7 Feb 2013, United Nations, New York, USA
- Learntec Future Learning (invited talk): Mobiles Lernen im Arbeitskontext. Eine Übersicht, Fallbeispiele und “Lessons Learned“, 29 January 2013, Karlsruhe, Germany
- KFH Information Day on Development and Cooperation: (presentation) Social network sites and mobile phones to educate health professionals in disadvantaged areas. Case studies from Asia and South Africa. 7 December 2012, Zurich, Switzerland
- Rectors’ Conference of the Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences. KFH, HEM Seminar. (invited talk) Social Media – Herausforderungen für das Hochschulmanagement, Referat: “Social Media in der Forschung” 18 October 2012, Lucerne, Switzerland
- Professional Learning Europe: Aligning HR and Learning. (World Cafe Presentation). Mobiles Lernen im Spital. Erfahrungen aus einem Innovationsprojekt. Mobile Learning Experiences. 26 September 2012, Cologne, Germany
- UCL Medical Education Conference. (Keynote with N. Pachler): Teaching, Learning and Assessment in the Clinical Workplace: Disentangling the dynamics of learning in clinical contexts, 11th June 2012, UCL Education Centre, London, UK
- Roundtable – Learning in the clinical workplace (organisation and presentation) Inter- and intradisciplinary learning from consults. IOE, Researching Learning for Clinical Practice Network and FHNW. IOE, 28 May 2012, London, UK
- World Summit on the Information Society. UNESCO, ITU session (invited talk). Mobile learning and social media to support the education of students and health professionals in disadvantaged areas, WSIS, 14-18 May 2012, Geneva, Switzerland
- Swiss eLearning Conference- Mobile Learning. Presentation: Mobiles Learning in Unternehmen: Konzepte und Erfahrungen, (invited talk) 17 April 2012, Zürich, Switzerland
- The international conference on eHealth – (presentation with D Spikol, B Bachmarr and S Glocker February, 1st – 2nd Feb, 2012 in Karlskrona and Kalmar, Sweden
- International Roundtable: Social Mobile Networking for Informal Learning” (invited talk with S. Linxen). The transformational role of social mobile media on education and learning in developing countries. 21 November 2011, Institute of Education, University of London, UK
- eduhub Webinar: (invited talk) Mobile Learning and co-operation — concept and first results from a clinical design research project October 20, 2011
- Schweizerischer eHealthcare Kongress (invited talk with C Meier and U Genewein). MobileMed. Mobiles medizinisches Konsultations- und Lernsystem. Ergebnisse aus einem KTI-Projekt. 21/22 September 2011, Nottwil, Switzerland
- Swiss eLearning Conference: Workplace Learning (invited talk) – Competitiveness through competence development “Mobiles Lernen und Mobile Kooperation im Prozess der Arbeit. Ein Branchenbeispiel aus der Medizin” 6 April 2011, Zürich, Switzerland (Slides)
- Mobile learning: Crossing boundaries in convergent environments” Conference (presentation). “The potential of smartphones to mediate intra-hospital communication and learning practices of doctors”. 21/22 March 2011, Bremen, Germany (Slides)
- Alpine Rendez-Vous, STELLAR Network of Excellence (presentation). Technology-enhanced learning in the context of technological, societal and cultural transformation. Mobile Learning at Work: Contextual Issues”. Nov 30 to Dec 1, 2009, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
- 3rd WLE Mobile Learning Symposium: Mobile Learning Cultures across Education, Work and Leisure (conference presentation). Work-based mobile learning in the health sector: concept of a mobile learning system exemplified by educational scenarios of junior doctors.” (Paper) 27 March 2009, London, UK
- mLearn2008 Conference. The Bridge From Text To Context (presentation). Mobile Learning in corporate settings. Results from an Expert Survey”. 8-10 October 2008, Wolverhampton, UK (Paper)
- Forum Neue Medien in der Lehre Austria (presentation). Mobiles Lernen in Unternehmen. Personalentwicklung durch die Nutzung mobiler Informationstechnologien. (Slides)
- 8/9 May 2008, Salzburg, Austria
- E-Dossier (Interview). Mobiles Lernen in betrieblichen Anwendungen. (Publication) 21. April 2008, Basel, Switzerland
- ETH: e-learning podcast (Interview). Mobile Learning und das Potenzial für E-Learning” 28 April 2008, Zürich, Switzerland
- Telematiktage Bern. Education Forum (invited talk). New Learning 2.0, Willkommen in der neuen Welt des Lernens. Mobiles Lernen in Unternehmen. 3 March 2008, Bern, Switzerland
- Mobile Learning Workshop (moderation and presentation). – Mobiles Lernen in Unternehmen: Erfolgsfaktoren von zukünftigen Pilot- und Entwicklungsprojekten, Basel, Switzerland
- Online Educa (invited talk) Dissemination activities of the Swiss Virtual Campus. 30 November 2007, Berlin, Germany